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A Look Into Toxic Red Pill Masculinity


Masculinity and Femininity are out of balance in today’s society. This imbalance is within each of these energies, as well as their interactions with each other. This week in Deeper Thoughts we’re going to discuss some of the toxic views of the red pill ideology, poke holes in the arguments for it, and how this can change. I’ll be primarily addressing the hypocrisies of the extremely toxic takes from red pill enthusiasts, because quite frankly as a man these people have been getting on my nerves lately. This isn’t an article that’s about bashing men, just a group of men with outrageous takes.

There’s a lot of these “red pillers” who want to verbally attack women online. I recently came across someone online who was stating that if a woman wasn’t a virgin, had tattoos, piercings, didn’t have a good relationship with her father, or was a single mother, then she was low hanging fruit and a whore. All he needed to add was she falls asleep when she eats an apple and he is basically saying he wants a Disney Princess. This person later went on claiming that women need to save their virginity for marriage, it was perfectly fine for men to sleep with as many women as possible. So let’s talk about all these levels of toxicity.

Let’s start with the tattoos. Tattoos are a choice. Some people get them just to have them, some for expression of ideas, and many have them for deeply personal reasons like having a symbol that reminds them of a long passed loved one, or a day that made a major impact in their lives. If you want to date someone who has tattoos, then don’t. It’s that simple. Having tattoos doesn’t make a person terrible. It doesn’t mean they’re demonic.

Now yes, it can be argued that getting a tattoo can create an imprint on you based on symbolism, numerology, and astrological timing. For instance getting a tattoo of the symbol for Saturn can create restrictions on things you want to manifest, or getting a tattoo of a dragon can make a dog year (Chinese astrology) rougher for you. But it doesn’t make the person evil.

Ironically, many of these red pill men often have tattoos themselves, so those men are hypocrites by default. And yes, you will see the hypocrite pattern play out a lot in this article.

It’s the same for piercings. You could argue getting piercings in certain areas might affect certain energy points of the body, but at the end of the day it doesn’t make a person good or bad. It’s a style choice. And if you as a man don’t like a woman with piercings, then don’t date them. Again it’s as simple as that. And again, these men who claim otherwise best not have any piercings of their own, lest he have to admit he’s a hypocrite.

Now let’s go to the “good relationship with her father requirement”. There are many women and men who don’t have good relationships with their fathers for various reasons. These reasons can range from the father being emotionally unavailable, always traveling for work, having detrimental habits like alcoholism or drug addiction, abuse in various ways, or something like the father just abandoned his family, or could have passed away. There are various reasons why a person can justifiably not have a good relationship with either parent. So why do these red pill men make this a priority? The logic they have is if she has a good relationship with her father, she obeys what he tells her and thus she’ll obey him. That’s it. They want a woman who submits and obeys without question, even if he isn’t deserving of it. 

Next is the single mothers comment. Many of you reading this might have been raised by a single mother, or you might even be one yourself. There are MANY healthy reasons why a woman might be a single mother.

For one, the father could have been killed in war. Another reason is she left the baby’s father because he was abusive and unsafe to be around. He could’ve been an alcoholic or a drug addict and no child should be around someone like that. He could be a deadbeat with no job that would rather play video games all day, or struggle to keep a job to either provide for the family, or at least be contributing to that endeavor. The father could’ve been a serial cheater, and what person, man or woman, wants to stay with someone who does that? The baby’s father could have always been putting the family in unsafe positions and left the mother feeling like she was in danger due to him. He could also be emotionally unavailable, leaving her to feel alone and abandoned even though they were in the same house. The father could have just abandoned her and the child(ren) for any number of selfish reasons.

Now we’ll dive deeper into the virginity aspect. Men like this want to sleep around with lots of women, but want to marry a virgin. Let’s break down this ridiculous notion, shall we?

1: Why should she be expected to remain pure for you, when you haven’t given her the same courtesy?

2: Many of these red pill men view sex as the sacred act that it is between two people, or at least they claim to. So for those that claim to, why would you treat such a sacred thing like it’s no big deal with someone you don’t care about?

3: Red pill men want to sleep with lots of women, but women who they can get in bed with that easily are “whores” in their eyes, which they are constantly spitting hate at. Why would you want to sleep with a person you hate? They’re good enough to have sex with and possibly get pregnant, but at the same time they’re whores in your mind, so why did you sleep with them in the first place? Why should these red pill men expect “good” women to show sexual restraint for their future husbands, but think it’s ok for them to not show any sexual restraint for their future wives? This red pill logic just adds to the very problems in society they claim to despise.

The red pill community (especially the younger men who follow this ideology) are mostly parroting the rantings of larger members in the red pill community because they don’t know how to think for themselves. On top of that, it’s easier for them to blame women for not only society’s problems, but their problems because doing the inner healing work to repair internal parental wounds is too scary. They want a “good” woman to blindly obey them, but not do anything to actually show they can provide her the safety and containment she needs to relax and trust his leadership. These men hate women, but deep down they hate men because men have created the society and the women that they hate on. And due to this hate, they are a danger to women and to society.

Again, I’m not bashing all men. This is addressing a massively small amount of the toxic thought processes from the red pill sphere that many men are attracted to in order to justify their own toxic behavior. There are plenty of problems on the other side of the coin with women too. Both genders are being over sexualized, cheating, lying, wanting royal treatment without doing any work, being lazy and a host of other things. But not everyone is like that. There are plenty of us that are doing our part to heal ourselves and thus the collective of our energies and each other as a whole. These red pill men refuse to take ownership of their actions and how they affect society. For them it’s easier to blame women for society’s problems instead of admitting their own faults, having their own standards, showing restraint, taking ownership of their choices, and healing themselves.

And as men, we should be leading that healing front. Men are the leaders. We are the initiators. We lead and women follow that lead. One reason behind the entire red pill movement is many men feel like they’ve had their power stripped away due to the feminist movement. The problem is that historically men have only been in power physically. If/when we were in our Divine Masculine power it was eons ago.

With the way the world is connected with technology today we have a chance for the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine to rise up in power together. To compliment and feed each other. But to the men reading this, we have to be initiating that healing. We have to create a safe space for women to once again relax into their femininity and let go of the masculine traits they’ve had to adopt to survive. The Masculine has to provide that safety and containment for the Feminine to be able to thrive.

There will probably be men that get triggered, defensive, and deflective if they read this article. If you’re one of them that does, ask yourself why are you so upset and whatever the answer is, keep asking why. Find the real reason you’re upset. For the men who aren’t triggered, congrats on being mature enough to know and admit to how we too are part of the problem in society and how we contribute to it.

Thank you once again for reading. As always, please have an enlightening day!

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