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Communication With the Universe


Most of the time when we hear the term communication we tend to think about two or more people talking in person, texting, or even posting on social media. You might think of using hand gestures with your friend to get a point across in a noisy club. This week in Deeper Thoughts we’re going to take this much further and show you ways that the Universe communicates with you to let you know when you’re going on the right or wrong track!

Communication isn’t limited to just person to person. We see it between animal species as well as when they try to communicate with us. That hungry cat meowing constantly because her bowl is only half full, the dog barking excitedly with its tail wagging because it’s happy to see you, your birds chirping in their cage because they’re excited to hear your voice. We acknowledge this because we can see the actions and hear the sounds made.

What many fail to see (or ignore when they do see) is the Universe talking to you. Many times we’re given little hints. You see someone pulled over while you’re speeding, you read the paper and see someone arrested for something you do daily, you do something on the job incorrectly and narrowly avoid getting injured or you start constantly losing your cigarettes and have to keep buying more packs multiple times in a day. These are warnings and signs from the Universe.

We also can’t forget synchronicities. These signs that are like breadcrumbs confirming things for you or leading you down a road you start feeling called to. Odd, yet seemingly unrelated events that keep popping up, like hearing different people saying the same uncommon phrase. When you’re looking into things and keep seeing the same symbol in different forms, like a wall painting of a dove, then as you do more research you see an unrelated book that has a dove on the cover, then later in your research see a random business card with a dove on it. It can be an image, or as mentioned earlier a phrase, or even a pattern of the same numbers. These synchronicities are subtle hints that stand out to you from the universe to let you know you’re on the right track.

The Universe also communicates with you by rewarding you…with your karma, positive and negative. Karma is the result of your actions and choices. As a quick example, cutting corners on a resume can cause a potential employer to skip over you even if you’re qualified, and someone who puts care and effort into their resume might land them the job, even if they’re less qualified than you.

When you’re living like you should, and being conscious with your decision making, you tend to make healthier and safer choices which yields better results. This is the Universe saying, “Yes! That’s it! You get it! Keep doing more of that!”

Conversely, when you’re making detrimental choices, consciously or subconsciously, you get hit with what you perceive as negative karma. This is the Universe telling you, “Why didn’t you listen? I tried warning you! Stop doing that!”

Sometimes you get messages in weird ways that few will believe. Strange things happen that confirm suspicions or warnings that sound like omens in a story book. I once heard what sounded like a flock of crows on my porch and all around my house, but when I looked there was only a lone one in the yard, then I drew the Death Tarot card for myself. Then the next day I had my Dark Night of the Soul incident that brought about many changes for myself. 

We’re constantly asking for signs and communication from the Universe. Many times they show themselves through subtle messages like the karma of others as guides or synchronicities, but your own karma will always be the loudest for you. Be mindful of what you do in life so the karmic conversations you have with the Universe are the ones you enjoy having. The Universe is always speaking to you. You just have to know how to listen to it!

Thank you, as always for reading! I hope you all have an enlightening day full of messages!

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