Confirmation bias is a way the Universe matches frequencies to you. It’s another aspect of the Law of Attraction. When you see everything as toxic, a disaster, or pointless, more of those things are reflected back to you in your life. When you start to look for things that are better, you get more of that.
When you tell yourself something you want, your mind isn't always going to take to it immediately because you’re not always a match to the frequency you desire. This is where confirmation bias comes into play. You have to seek it out in your day to day life. What you focus on, more of the same will come to you.
For example, Brad is starting out in a career in sales. He can tell himself he's great at making sales, but at the end of his first day he only makes two out of ten sales. He tells himself he did a terrible job and focuses on all those sales he didn't make and all the things that went wrong. He begins to think “Maybe I’m not a great salesman after all.” He’s focused only on the negatives. This habit of his plays out day in and day out.
His focus on the negative spreads to more than just his job. He’s not making his commissions so money is tighter, thus he begins to see himself as a terrible provider and focuses on that. This in turn spreads to him thinking because he’s a terrible provider he must also be a terrible husband and father. From there he keeps seeing all the ways he is terrible in this respect. He just keeps spiraling downward into a scarcity frequency.
Now let’s look at Jeff. He’s new to sales just like Brad and tells himself he’s a great salesman. On his first day only makes two out of ten sales as well. This is where he differs from Brad. He acknowledges the failed sales attempts and takes note of what went wrong. What he does differently than Brad is he doesn’t stress about them. Instead he focuses on what went right on the successful sales during his day. He sees this and tells himself “Awesome! I’m making sales! I’ll take what worked for these and apply them to future attempts.”
He repeats this process daily, applying what worked during the day. He focuses on the sales he makes. His sales go up. Then he's on a call that's not looking well and lands a client the company has wanted for awhile. It’s more confirmation he’s a great salesman so he focuses on that. With the consistent work and proper focus his sales consistently continue to rise with more opportunity presenting itself to him at his company. He sees himself as an excellent provider for his wife and children. His vibration is raised to an abundance frequency.
Do you see what happened in both scenarios? Despite Brad telling himself he’s a great salesman he only focused on those things that confirmed the opposite of what he told himself. He only focused on the signals that showed him as a terrible salesman. The scarcity mindset he developed with a negative confirmation bias continued to bring more negativity into his life. Jeff instead looked for the signals that he was a good salesman and focused on them, bringing an abundance mindset and thus attracted more abundance into his life.
Confirmation bias can be used in all aspects of life, teaching, sports, relationships, bartending, writing, everything. It is an excellent tool to use in accordance with the Law of Attraction, when used properly. It can be detrimental when you use it and only focus on the negatives in your life, or when you use it to create a bubble of delusion. Like all tools it’s effectiveness will depend on how you implement it. Remember in our example with Jeff. He didn’t live in delusion. He took stock of what he did wrong so as not to make those mistakes, but he put his energy into what went RIGHT. Remember, “Where attention goes, energy flows.”
Be mindful where your thoughts go throughout your day. Be aware of what you’re focusing on and use the tool of Confirmation Bias to increase your frequency and abundance.
Thank you for reading, and have an enlightening day.