CREATE the CHANGE you want in your life! No one can do it for you. You have to go on a JOURNEY to create the changes in yourself and your reality that you need and want. It doesn’t matter where we’re born or what profession we choose. We all have this one thing in common, WE CREATE OUR JOURNEY IN THIS LIFE! So this week in Deeper Thoughts, let’s take a look at ways we can create changes in our lives that we want.
If you want a better mindset you have to change the way you think to create that improved mindset. You have to master your thoughts and not let them run amuck. You have to remember that you are NOT your thoughts. You are the observer of them. Once you realize you are separate you can control and focus them. From there you can do things such as cultivating better relationships with your inner critic, whom most of us have constant battles with.
When we are in control of our thoughts we can begin changing our outlook on life. We can pull away from all the negative self-talk and dark views we have of the world. We can be aware of them without letting them be the sole focus of our thinking. Shifting that focus and realizing there’s a lot of beauty and good in the world helps raise our frequency tremendously!
If you’re poor, then you have to change your habits and mindset to create the wealth you desire. You can’t expect money to flow to you without doing any work. You can’t wait around for handouts. You have to get up, go out there, and start working, be it a job working for someone else or taking initiative and finding your own ways to gain income and increase it. Study how money works and how it flows energetically. Study ways to invest and side businesses you can start to help increase the income to your bank account.
When wanting to improve your habits, you have to create changes in your routine and space to replace the undesirable habits you have. You need to understand what formed the habits you currently have that you want to replace, eliminate the physical triggers that cause them and heal the emotional ones. While doing this you need to start implementing the new habits you want to become a part of your life.
To create a healthier body, you have to change your physical and eating routines to create that fit body that isn’t always breaking down or feeling drained. If you’re sitting in an office all day you need to include movement. Taking a jog/walk after work or hitting the gym for a quick work out will keep you active. If you’re sitting down all the time for work, and then in your free time you’re just on the couch watching tv or playing video games, your physical health will suffer.
Likewise, if you’re eating fast food all the time, you’re not eating healthy. Yes it’s more convenient, but all the junk and chemicals in those foods are eating away at the inside of your body. Set aside time to meal prep and/or look into recipes that taste good but aren’t hard to make. There’s plenty out there to find out there online. Better food equals a healthier body AND a healthier mind.
If you see the trajectory of your life and see the patterns of karma that keeps coming to you, then you must create changes in what you do and how you behave to change that trajectory. If you’re doing shady activities, don’t be surprised when the law catches you. If you’re constantly flaking on your friends or doing things that screw them over, don’t be shocked when they stop associating with you. Be aware of your choices and actions and be intentional when making decisions. See how they’ll affect you in the long run. When you make a choice, make sure that the possible results from that choice are acceptable to you, otherwise choose a different action.
You have to journey inside yourself to create the changes you want, in order to be a better person by healing your fragmented parts and meeting your needs. You can move to a new country surrounded by people you’ve never met, but if you’re not creating healthy change within yourself, the things you ran away from will follow you, it’ll be the same characters and plot, just with new masks.
We might be born into certain circumstances in this life. But many of us break free from them instead of remaining trapped in them. Those that do this realize this one simple, yet complex fact of life. WE CREATE THE CHANGES WE WANT IN OUR LIFE.
If you’re not sure where to start, I highly recommend beginning with the first one on this short, and by no means complete, list which was changing your mindset. As you master this step, the others become easier to achieve and often start taking place naturally. All things begin in the mind, my friends.
Thank you for reading, and as always, have an enlightening day.