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Emotions and Mindset: How They Influence Your Karma and Manifestations


Your emotions and mindset play a major role in your karma and manifestations. Remember that your emotions are the power source for manifestation and magick and that your thoughts feed into your emotions. This week in Deeper Thoughts we’re going to go into how your emotions and mindset have an effect on your life beyond just what you’re feeling in the moment.

When your emotions are all dark, doom, and gloom, all you’re going to see is the bad things. That’s what you’re going to focus on and stay trapped in. 

“No one loves me!”

“Rich people are evil!”

“Nothing I do matters!”

“This is a prison planet and we’re only going to suffer for eons!”

We all know these people and if you don’t, you might want to look in the mirror. When you’re trapped in these dark emotional mindsets, you’re going to subconsciously keep up habits that keep you down. Low vibrational habits = low vibrational results (Karma of those actions).

Some examples include staying in a dead end job instead of trying to make more money because you think the rich or evil or money is hard to come by. Or not doing anything to better yourself because you think nothing you do matters. Someone who thinks no one loves them or can love them will continue to subconsciously push others away, thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

These  mental blocks feed into your emotions, and vice versa to keep reinforcing each other. The longer and deeper the reinforcement is, the harder it is to break free from them.

Not only do your emotions and mindset affect the karma of your actions, it hinders your manifestations. When you’re in these vibrations your emotions and mindset are locked in a place of fear and scarcity. Be it money, love, a new job, a new car, whatever it is you’re trying to bring to you, if it’s coming from desperation, you’re going to be held back.

Why is this? Because the Universe reflects back to you what you’re putting out into it. So when your energy is fear based due to scarcity and desperation, that’s what gets mirrored back to you. But as you raise your frequency to abundance and gratitude, then the reflection will match that frequency. For more on this you can read my articles titled “Scarcity and the Law of Mirroring, AKA the Law of Attraction,” and “Mirroring Your Inner and Outer World.”

But when you start healing these emotions and mindsets, you start course correcting and changing your trajectory. Letting in emotions like gratitude  and love for what you do have starts raising your frequency, and you begin making better choices and work on forming better habits that yield better results (karma) and begin manifesting things you do want (like more money, love, etc).

This doesn’t mean you completely ignore all of the negative things going on in your life, but you approach them from a healthier mindset. You don’t let these situations drag you down into an emotional ocean to toss you around in despair.

Instead what you do is study where these thoughts stem from, usually from family beliefs and/or traumas. Learn what you can do to heal these traumas and break these familial cycles. This allows you to develop the tools you need to raise the vibrations of your mindset and put you in a higher frequency to put out energetically.

It’s not an overnight switch. It’ll take time, but eventually those results start compounding on each other and your life starts improving with each improved emotionally charged manifestation. (Remember your emotions power your manifestations.)

I want to mention an important point here. This does NOT mean that you have to constantly have the perfect mindset and only feel good about everything. We all have bad days. It’s not natural to always be feeling happy and perfect. The world isn’t all rainbows, butterflies, and unicorn farts. But instead you don’t stay stuck in these places or try to suppress them to make them “vanish”. It’s okay to feel what you feel, but you don’t let it consume and control you.

Hopefully this article gives you some insight to how your emotions and mindset affect both the karma of your actions (or lack thereof) and your manifestations. What have you done to help raise your frequency? Let us know in the comments.

Thank you as always for reading and have an enlightening day!

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