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Generational Karma: How Our Family Choices Get Passed Down.


Everyone’s heard about generational karma, but do you know what it is? Do you know where it stems from? Karma is the result of the actions we make in life. In the case of generational karma, these actions become a pattern that’s passed down from generation to generation. This week in Deeper Thoughts, let’s talk about what generational karma is, some examples of it, and solutions to correct it. 

Generational karma is the result of generational trauma. These traumas repeat and reinforce coping mechanisms that pass down from generation to generation. Our coping mechanisms are what shape our behaviors, so as these copes pass down from generation to generation we subconsciously inherit the same patterns and habits as our parents and grandparents. This shapes our actions, and thus our generational karma.

Look back at your family history and recognize the patterns and traits that have carried on down through the generations. Think about them and see which ones you view as positive and healthy and take note of the ones that are detrimental. These detrimental and harmful ones are the traits you need to put an end to. These are the ones most people consider “generational karma”

Let’s take a look at some detrimental family patterns first.

Alcohol and drug abuse are common familial traumas that affect countless people. These forms of escapism are normalized through a child’s life. More often than not, the parents don’t do as well of a job hiding drug use as they think they do, and alcohol being legal tends to have parents downing 6-12 beers, a bottle of wine, or several shots or cocktails a night. 

These coping mechanisms are used to escape stress and are used to varying degrees. Children grow up seeing this and many times adopt these same patterns of running from stress as well as the health issues and relationship problems that come along with these vices.


If alcohol or drug abuse has been prevalent in your family, and in your own daily life, set up healthy ways to manage stress so you don’t fall into this trap, or to help pull yourself out of it. Running from stress, and life in general, only causes those issues to keep coming back with more force, so finding ways to heal those traumas that cause the “need” to drink or get high allows you to handle those situations head on.

Many families are stuck in a scarcity mindset. They view money as a rare commodity that’s hard to come by. Not shockingly this is the mindset most adopted by lower class families. For many people, this has them in patterns where they’re scraping for money, or even seeking handouts.

If your family has been penny pinching because money always seems scarce, study ways to increase your wealth and work on building your abundance mindset. 

Patterns of abuse (physical, emotional, and psychological)  are common among many family trees. This pattern is often passed down as the abused become abusers, be it in violent abuse, sexual abuse, or any other type. Seeking help to escape from homes like this as well as healing if you’re caught in any of these cycles.

Many families don’t know how to communicate properly. When issues come up silent treatment, gaslighting, being passive aggressive, and a host of other deflection tactics. These habits leave children feeling unseen and invalidated and because this behavior is normalized those children grow up into parents who carry on this tradition of avoiding uncomfortable communication.

 Look into how you can establish healthy direct communication so everyone is understood, heard, and validated instead of being ignored or glossed over.

Family health is another pattern we see in generational karma. Obesity, heart conditions, diabetes, and other conditions are passed down the family line. But these are habits that are learned from being around your family. If your family eats low quality processed foods and never gets exercise, then you’ll tend to pick up on that too. If this applies to you and your family, then start making healthier choices that affect your body in a positive manner so your children can grow up seeing this example. Over time they’ll develop these healthier habits and avoid the health issues of your parents and grandparents.

Generational karma isn’t some mystical force affecting your bloodline. It’s habits and traumas that are passed down that shape the way you cope and make decisions. As you heal from these traumas and adopt healthier patterns you can help free your family line from these patterns of karma and heal your bloodline.

All ancestral lines need healing. What can you do to stop the negative behaviors prevalent in your family tree and heal your bloodline? I hope this article helps you to delve into your own family history and see what ways you can start improving your life to improve your family line’s karma. How have you changed your generational karma? Let us know in the comments!

Thank you for reading, and as always, have an enlightening day!

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