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How Our Karma Creates Change


Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Our karma is based on our actions. What we do yields certain results. If we keep doing the same thing over and over, we tend to get the same results. If we’re doing things that are detrimental we get detrimental results. If we’re lucky we might get by for a while, but it will come crashing down on you. 

Your karma can come to help you end those cycles you’ve been struggling with. When it hits it can be painful. It can very well lead to a Dark Night of the Soul.

But that experience, though hurtful, can be the best worst thing that’s ever happened to you by bringing about change that you need in your life. It gives you clarity by forcing you to look in the mirror and see all the things you’ve done to put you in situations that have been detrimental and even harmful to you. It brings to light all the coping mechanisms that you’ve been using and makes you look at how you’ve been using escapism to avoid your problems.

So let's take a look at a few simple examples of how your actions and karma can create change in your life.

If you cheat on your spouse, odds are they’re going to divorce you. On top of that if you’re a man, there are good odds you’ll have to pay alimony. If you had a child with this person, then you have child support to pay as well.

Let’s say you get caught doing drugs at work. You’re going to get fired. To add to that karma you might struggle to find another job because you can’t get good recommendations. This is especially the case if this is a constant pattern that shows up in your life.

Now let’s take a look at how karma creates change positive change.

You step up at work and begin taking initiative. Everyone else at work doesn’t seem to have things in order and nothing is getting done. You start showing excellent leadership abilities and get things organized and flowing. This is something you do that’s consistent and your bosses take notice. Eventually you get promoted at work, and earn more money.

Another example can be that you begin to invest your time and money into your side hustle, slowly growing it.  Eventually you turn it into a full blown business. From here you’re able to quit your job that you hate and become your own boss, and be free to do things your way.

Now, let’s take a look at the mix of the two above types. Bad karma, that results in positive change.

You go out to the bar with your friends consistently. You get drunk and drive home. For a few times you get lucky, but eventually you get pulled over and arrested. You have thousands of dollars in lawyer and court fees on top of the night in jail and whatever else may come of it. You’ve entered your Dark Night of the Soul.

BUT! You start evaluating your choices. You start questioning why you made the decisions that you did and realize that there are issues you’ve been neglecting and suppressing. The drinking was a symptom of fragmented parts within you that you were ignoring. With this realization you begin to do parts work to integrate those fragmented parts and heal. You eventually continue this process in all areas of your life.

Be mindful of what your actions can lead to, because their karma creates change in your life.

Sometimes we need karma to hit because there are things about ourselves that we’re not aware of, and need shown to us. From this point we can make the changes we need to better ourselves and our world around us. Here is where we see how we can build ourselves up, lose the habits and copes we need to lose, and focus on the path we want to be in alignment with.

Karma can hit hard, and when it does it’s painful. But when you see your negative karma as a lesson, you can use it for needed growth and stop doing the things holding you back. Sometimes bad karma can be the best worst thing to happen for you.

Ultimately, Karma isn’t good or bad. It is the result of our actions.  Our perception of a particular instance of karma is what makes it positive or negative. The entire point of karma is to keep us in check and teach us lessons. When we don’t learn these lessons it keeps coming back to reinforce itself. So be mindful of your choices and actions because your karma creates change that you have to live with!

Thank you for reading. Once again, have an enlightening day! 

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