We live in a world of polarity. This is the aspect of duality that creates division amongst so many of us. It’s what triggers us to make us angry and choose sides. “My side’s right and your side’s wrong!” “You’re either with us or you’re against us!” “These things are good and all others are evil!” This week in Deeper Thoughts we’re going to talk about polarity and the importance of being depolarized.
The intensity of polarity ranges. The most common examples of extreme polarity include, but are not limited to, politics with conservative vs. liberal issues, red pill men vs. feminist, or vaccines vs anti-vaccine. You know, the things that cause fights in families every Thanksgiving. Some polarities might be smaller such as this football team vs. another, this school is better and that school is trash. Even these smaller versions of polarity can still lead to arguments and even fights for those who really lean into the polarity.
People in positions of power, or those who are rising to positions of power, understand this universal law and use it to their advantage and personal gain. A prime example of this are political candidates who focus on extreme views in their party, against their party, and when they attack traits about their opponents.
For instance, a candidate might be using increased border patrol as a way to increase voter support, leaning on those who have lived in a country for many generations and even banking on the fact that many of those families might have been affected by illegal immigration in their career such as farmers or blue collar workers. This is done to polarize them to their side. On the flip side, their opponent might use that same polarizing theme to push for open borders to really support people who are first or second generation citizens.
Those same politicians also attack each other’s characters. One will say their opponent makes shady deals with judges to get away with things, while the opposing politician will say the other makes shady business deals with corporations. These attempts at character assassination are meant to polarize more people to their side as the “best moral choice.
Polarity is an effective tool to manipulate mass amounts of people, and not just individuals. The other issue with polarity is we can become polarized just from being triggered by a person’s actions or words during our everyday life. How many of you reading this have or know someone that has gotten angry and punched someone because they were offended by what that person said? That quick trigger into anger is another example of becoming polarized. Maybe it wasn’t as extreme as throwing a punch, but you started cursing someone out because you didn’t like what they said. Whatever the case may be, what's important to note was there was a trigger, and it was acted upon via a knee-jerk reaction.
When you’re polarized you’re more likely to say and do things you normally wouldn’t. Which is usually what the instigator who’s trying to polarize you will want. When you’re angry and polarized you’re much easier to manipulate.
Now to be fair, we all get triggered. Even those who claim to have no ego get triggered, and usually easily so. We learn to not be so reactive all the time, to not have that knee-jerk reaction. You might get angry, and that’s a natural part of human life, and that anger pops up for a reason, but that doesn’t mean every time it does you lash out physically or verbally.
Many times the triggers a person may have can come from not what another says or does, but their own perception and projections about another person, usually in some form of envy. Something like getting mad when they see that guy at the party everyone likes more than them, or the attention the pretty girl always gets. These are simple examples but you understand what I mean.
I say all of this to make this next point. While working on yourself to become depolarized and less reactive is important in all aspects of life, it’s crucial if you’re someone who is practicing magick. Just like hitting a coworker or a friend who’s made you angry has potential consequences, so does lashing out magickally. There are also karmic repercussions to lashing out at someone energetically when there’s not a justifiable reason to do so. Just because they made you angry doesn’t cut it.
Even if you do nothing but vent in anger to yourself about a person, group, or situation you’re feeding your energy into whatever it is you’re polarized about when that energy could be better spent elsewhere.
Study your triggers so you know what polarizes you and so you know what you can do to catch yourself from reacting to them. Do this especially if you can in the moment to determine what about the person(s) and situation has you so triggered and look into what you can do to heal that fragmented part in you that’s triggered. Don’t be manipulated by polarity, instead walk the middle path instead of one pole or the other and you’ll be ahead of the curve more times than you can count.
Thank you for reading and I hope you all have an enlightening day.