If you want to step into your power you have to put an end to the things holding you back. You have to put an end to those limiting beliefs you have. You have to stop the negative thoughts you have about yourself. This week in Deeper Thoughts let’s talk about what limiting beliefs are, some examples, and how you can reprogram your thinking in relation to them.
Limiting beliefs are thoughtforms that stem from your subconscious and cause you to limit yourself from your potential. Most, if not all of them, stem from your childhood years from trauma, conditioning, and programming. Many limiting beliefs stem from generational trauma as well.
These limiting beliefs take root in your subconscious and shape the way you behave in your day to day life. They become self fulfilling prophecies until you replace them with abundance mindsets. Just like with any mindset, these limiting beliefs affect your mood, your habits, and major and minor life choices.
Many limiting beliefs center around finances, love and relationships, work, luck, health, self value, and anything else you can talk down to about yourself. So let’s take a look at just a small handful of limiting beliefs, what they can look like, and what you can do to overcome them.
1: You’ll always be poor.
This poverty-based limiting belief is all too common, especially when the economy is heading downward. Many people think “I’m poor, I’ve always been poor, and my family has always been poor, and that’ll never change.” They might think money is too hard to come by, or that you have to work your rear off and the returns are barely worth it, if at all. Or they might have thoughts that put them into extreme resistance to money, such as the thought that all rich people are evil.
The notion that a person will always be poor often stems from growing up surrounded by poverty. It’s normalized to them so they just accept that will always be their life. Or in the instance of rich people being “all evil”, we can see many cases of conditioning that makes being poor equal good and just, when in fact many rich people try and do a lot of good in the world.
The best way to get over these limiting beliefs is to do parts work to heal these inner issues while improving your relationship with money and understanding how money works. A good first step in this is by checking out my article, “The Energy Flow of Cash Flow.” After that, I suggest reading two books, “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill, and “You Were Born Rich,” by Bob Proctor.
2: That you’re not good enough for love and friendships.
This often stems from rejection from important family members, specifically our caretakers. They’re either pushed away or have affection pulled away as punishment. This trauma carries into adulthood and when we feel anything that resembles this in our relationships our ego will many times kick in and cause us to create the result we’re fearing. For more on how your ego does this you can read my article, “Pushing Away What Feels Good.”
This is where showing yourself love is pivotal. Going back to those times in childhood where affection was kept from you and giving yourself now what you needed then is crucial. Also taking time to consciously make choices that promote self love builds yourself up, instead of going on autopilot with your choices
3: Bad things always happen to you or that you’re cursed.
The self imposed jynx can bleed into a multitude of limiting beliefs. Much of this stems from the victim mentality. There are many people who can’t take ownership of how they contribute to their suffering, be it the choices they make, or lack thereof. So instead of making better choices for themselves, they fall into patterns that bring about results they hate, but blame others for their troubles.
Another aspect to this limiting belief is some people only focus on the bad things that happen to them. Constant unexpected expenses come up, or there’s always issues with work that leaves them needing to find a new job, or relationship issues keep coming up.
If you’re in the camp of victim mentality and realize this is what you tend to do, look back and understand why you do so. For many, blaming others was the only way to keep the person safe in childhood, to avoid being shamed, or to get basic needs met. Learn how to provide for yourself what you needed then and begin taking accountability of your actions. If you make a mistake or a wrong choice, own it and admit it. Alongside this, be actively and consciously making better choices where you see the bigger picture of what the results/karma will be based on your decisions.
If you’re in the second camp, start a gratitude journal so you can see the good things happening in your life. Reframing and positive focus, when done right, can help reprogram your thinking surrounding this limiting belief. For more on this you can read my articles, “Confirmation Bias and Attraction,” and “Sunshine, Rainbows, and Unicorn Farts: The Pitfall of only using Positive Focus.”
4: That you aren’t able to learn anything new.
Many people think they’re not smart enough to learn new things to better their lives like for a career change, or they don’t have the time. But the reality is that information has never been easier to access in human history like it is today. There are courses that are set up that allow you to work around your schedule, many of which are online. Certifications are easier to acquire because of this. And even if it’s smaller things like a hobby you might want to learn to make money with, there are many ways to do this. YouTube alone has a plethora of subjects such as crypto, stocks, marketing, painting, advertising, woodworking, you name it, it’s there. For most people it’s simply not a priority and they keep pushing it to the side and put it on the back burner.
Take initiative and explore alternative routes for increasing your education. This is something we should all be doing anyway, always learning something new. Just because we’re not in school anymore doesn’t mean school’s not in session anymore.
These are just a few examples of limiting beliefs and where they can possibly stem from. Take time to study yourself to understand why and where your thoughts come from and look into how you can improve your thinking so your subconscious is working for you instead of against you.
When you can reprogram yourself and heal the sources of these negative thoughts, you create more space within yourself to attract the things you do want in life because you align to them more. It doesn’t mean bad things will stop happening, but you’ll be more resilient in the face of these things and overcome them.
Put an end to the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from stepping into and embracing your inner Power. Thank you for reading, and have an enlightening day.