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Perspective: Changing Your Filter


A major change we all need to consistently make is a change in perspective. Shift your view and see things from new lights. Looking at the world at the same angles through the same lenses stunts our expansion. As wonderful as it would be, we can’t always look at people and situations and see everything. Our ego has us seeing things through a filter, and because of this we’re limited from seeing the bigger picture. This week in Deeper Thoughts let’s take a look at ways changing your perspective, instead of being stubborn, can yield better results.

If you’re trying to solve a problem but are stumped, then think outside the box and change how you look at the problem. Not every problem has a straightforward solution, or can be fixed with traditional solutions. 

In a creative rut? Go at it from a different angle. Switch up the perspective or the style. Try a different medium or subject. If you’re a painter try creating art via wood carving, or if you paint the same thing over and over like sun sets or flowers, try something different like animals. Try creating your art from the perspective of an anime artist. Try something abstract. The change in perspective might give you new ideas or even techniques to implement.

When your mind is cluttered, sometimes going to someplace outside of your routine helps. If you’re in an office day in and day out, working in the park and getting that change in perspective can help your thoughts flow better. A literal change in physical perspective can make a big impact.

But the most important thing that a change in perspective can bring about is understanding. For instance, a certain situation may have popped up in your life that you didn’t see coming. Shifting your perspective can help you to understand the whys and hows that situation came into being. For a simple example, let’s use any war in history. It’s not just “well this one side attacked this side.” When you look at the perspective of the invading side, you understand all the reasons that lead up to attacking. And when looking at the defending side, you can see things they may have done, or refused to do, that led to them being attacked.

When you change your own perspective about a situation, even if it’s after the fact, you have a better understanding as to what led up to it, which allows you to practice better awareness for improvement and even possible prevention of a repeat situation.

But the most important piece of understanding that comes with a change in perspective is in our relationships. Changing your perspective allows you to understand why a spouse or family member acts the way they do or feel the way they feel.

If your wife is angry because you’re always canceling plans, imagine how you would feel if she was staying late at the office, or kept losing track of time with her friends and was always canceling on you? Changing your perspective in this way can help you understand the other person, and help you understand where you might need to be making changes.

If you have a sister who jumps from deadbeat to deadbeat, changing your perspective to hers might help you understand that from her viewpoint, it’s safer to have someone around for protection versus being alone with her children. This doesn’t make it better, but from that insight you can find better ways to help.

You might have a coworker that’s always stressed out, which annoys you. But when you change your perspective to theirs, you might realize there’s higher demand and expectations in their position than yours, or maybe they’re newer and don’t have the experience and confidence you’ve gained over the years.

When you change your perspective and understand people and situations from their position or a different angle you can respond to them in much healthier and productive ways instead of having a knee-jerk reaction. That change in perspective can even show you where you need improvement. Don’t be afraid to remove the filter you see the world in. Look at things from a different angle, see the bigger picture, and navigate life a little easier.

Thank you for reading, and have an enlightening day.

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