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Planets and Their Correspondences, A Quick Overview


Updated: Jul 28, 2024

Today we’re gonna switch it up and talk about an occult topic, planetary hours and days. We’ll be taking this approach from a western magick perspective, as that’s what I’m more familiar with in my studies.

In western astrological magick, we use 7 heavenly bodies for planets. They are the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto weren’t visible by the naked eye in ancient times and in modern Astrology are seen more as generational influences. In this discussion we’ll be talking about the first seven I mentioned. Keep in mind the list I’m providing is not comprehensive in the slightest, but for those of you that are new to this subject it will give you a good base to build up from.

We’ll start with the Sun. The Sun is the first planet, and the day of the week that corresponds to it is Sunday. It’s energy is good for healing the physical and the spiritual, fame, confidence. If you’re wanting to use a candle when harnessing the energy of the sun, yellow is your go to. Sun magick is best executed during the day.

Next we have the Moon. The Moon’s day is Monday. It’s associated with emotions, the subconscious, illusion, and the astral. The best color to use when using the energy of the moon is Silver. Moon magick is best at night.

Moving along, we’re gonna talk about Mars next. Mars is associated with Tuesday. The color to use for it is red. Mars is associated with masculinity, war, lust, destruction, and strength. Mars is who you use for when you’re on the attack.

Next we have Mercury. Mercury’s day is Wednesday. Use an Orange when using this planetary power. It’s the planet of speed, travel, communication, commerce, and magick. Because of this last reason, Mercury is who you want to use when you’re not sure which day you should cast a spell if it doesn’t seem to fit with the other days of the week.

Jupiter is next. It's day is Thursday. The color for Jupiter is blue. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, growth, and protection. Jupiter is the guy you want to go to for defense and to get more of what you already have.

After Jupiter we have Venus. This planet is your go to for money, love, comfort, luxury, nature, and feminine energy. If you want the finer things in life, you want Venus. When using her energy you want to use the color Green.

Finally we have Saturn. Saturn is the planet of restriction, karma, and removing things from your life. Saturn is the planet that keeps us in check. It will come after you to collect your karmic debts. When using this planet’s energy, you want to use black.

A few more notes on using planetary magick, the moon is important to what type of magick you’re using. If you’re wanting to attract something to you (money, fame, love, etc) do it while the Moon is WAXING. When you’re wanting something to go away from you do your magick while the Moon is WANING. This isn’t regulated to just spells using the moon. This is something you need to remember for ALL magick you’re doing.

Keep in mind each planetary day goes from SUNRISE to SUNRISE. So the energy of Mars starts at sunrise on Tuesday, not midnight. Mercury’s day starts at sunrise on Wednesday and ends at sunrise on Thursday when Jupiter’s day starts. There’s a lot more we could go into when it comes to this subject, but for those of you that are new to the occult and magick in general, I hope this brief overview proves to be helpful.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have an enlightening day!

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