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Predictive Programming: Is Hollywood and the News Programming Us?


So this week I decided to expand on a section in last week’s post “Societal Conditioning: How are you Being Programmed?” If you haven’t read it yet I recommend you go back and do so. The part we’re going to go into is over Media and Predictive Programming. Please keep an open mind as you read the following and see if you can see certain connections. We won’t be going into deep detail on different instances of predictive programming. However, I hope this information will help you to see how we are influenced as a culture so you can be more aware and be more conscious of your actions and responses.

Many people associate predictive programming with conspiracy theories, but there are overlaps between it and esoteric magickal themes, to which in these cases I will make the attempt to point out from an objective standpoint.

Alan Watt described Predictive Programming as “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.”(1)

The images, themes, and messages are consistently shown to us repeatedly so we become accustomed to it, and are less likely to reject it. The process can last from weeks, to months, or even years until the event actually occurs in real life.

A simple example of this was a few years back when I used to watch TV I saw a common theme between several federal/police series that involved deep fakes. It was a concept that I thought odd so many shows were pushing at the time. Several months later the announcement of deep fakes hit the news and social media. While many people were still shocked by this, a large number of people were rather numb to the news and didn’t care.

Prior to even this we had social media apps like SnapChat introducing filters for pictures. Dog faces, old people, babies, even face swapping. You name it, and they had a filter for it. We were programmed to be used to having images superimposed over the faces of people. Seeing these things television and social media normalized many people to the notion of deep fake technology.

A recent example happened earlier this year in Ohio. February 3rd of this year a freight train was derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. This even left many people sick and even dying due to the carcinogenic chemicals that caught on fire. What many people noticed was that just three months prior, the streaming network Netflix released a movie called “White Noise” which showcased an eerily similar event during the film. What makes this connection even stranger is the fact this movie was filmed almost entirely in Eastern Ohio.

Another example of predictive programming can be seen in the devolution of the father figure in most American shows. The father figure in tv has over time been reduced to some bumbling fool whereas in the past he was portrayed as a wise figure who supported and led the family. This break away from the traditional healthy masculine figure has been a slow transition over time, but can be seen in more extreme examples like the shows Home Improvement and Everybody Loves Raymond. As time has progressed the absence of a healthy father figure in families has sadly become the norm in society.

We can see this in other things besides television. One example is the Purge movie series. In these movies we see a timeline in America where all crime is legal for one night a year. It’s full of rioting, looting, and death. The first film debuted in 2013. Three sequels followed the original before 2020 came. What happened then? For months and months despite lock downs we saw rioting, looting, and death on a near daily basis. The political and social stage was all set over time to create the scenario we saw back in 2020.

A more recent example we can see is UFO’s. For decades we’ve had numerous accounts of people who have encountered UFO’s and aliens. Most of these accounts are dismissed by government agencies. Mainstream media will talk about them, but “debunk” them. We have stories of Area 51 captivating our minds as we wonder what secrets it holds. We’ve been constantly exposed to stories of UFO’s while consistently being told they’re false stories only to as recently as this summer have the Senate investigating them.

Another instance we see a type of predictive programming is in the Simpsons. It’s widely known that the long running series has shown a tendency to “predict” the future. These “predictions” have become so common that even when an event has happened that the show presented, the fact that they “predicted” the event seems to be more surprising and shocking to the public than the actual event itself. Some of the events the show has “foreseen” include, but not limited to: smart watches, the Disney-Fox merger, Donald Trump’s running for office, and Covid-19. (2)

Speaking to that last point, Covid-19 is another subject of predictive programming. Prior to the end of 2019 every few years we had talk on mainstream news outlets about different viruses coming into existence that were supposedly terrifying but had low impact, such as avian flu, swine flu, and sars to name a few. In movies and television we’ve seen countless stories centered around some man made virus that’s at risk to destroy humanity and causing mass panic in society.

One of the more obvious acts of programming on the subject of Covid-19 goes back to 2008 during the opening ceremony of the Summer Beijing Olympics. During this ceremony we’re shown images of hospital patients and death. Many people view this display as the precursor for Covid-19 virus, which was man made and after constant denial was finally admitted to come from China.

In 2011, the movie “Contagion” was released. This movie was funded by the CDC, in order to gain extra funding. In it we see the various themes we saw during the pandemic including the lock downs, everyone wearing masks, and vaccine passports, and the lab leak theories. (3)

Other prime examples of predictive programming include the novel “Wrecking the Titan” by Morgan Robertson, which was written 14 years before the Titanic sank along with all of the major opponents to the Federal Reserve. There’s the combination of the recently destroyed Georgia Guidestones, where it stated “Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000 in Perpetual Balance with Nature,” as well as the “Avenger” series where the main villain Thanos wants to commit mass genocide to keep balance in the universe. Both of these concepts go along with the theory that the elite want to depopulate the planet. This might seem far off unless you look at people like Bill Gates who is a massive proponent of depopulation. (3)

When the human mind is constantly exposed to a thing it becomes normalized to it. This is a concept proven when we see people who have grown up in war torn areas, or surrounded by gang violence, or in abusive homes. When an event is repeated enough our brain accepts it as a normal fact of life. Predictive programming takes this concept and puts it to the medium of entertainment and information. We’re consistently shown images and themes in movies and the news so that the thought of them is normalized and just accepted. When the event finally does take place then we think nothing of it.

This article is not meant to be about “conspiracy theories”, but rather to show how we’re being programmed via the media. This post is meant to be an introduction for those not familiar with the topic. Hopefully this article will help you think outside the box when you’re watching media and be more aware of what society is being programmed for.

If this topic interests you and you wish to study up more on it, I recommend pre-ordering the upcoming book by Druu on twitter @DrutangReborn (not a paid sponsor) where you can get access to his previous threads. He has spent countless hours on this subject and goes into themes far deeper than I have in this article.

Thank you once again for reading, and as always, have an enlightening day!

  1. Beaver, Dahria, Predictive Programming,

  2. Saab, Hannah and Karina Kosmala, 17 Predictions From 'The Simpsons' That Came True,

  3. Druu, DrutangReborn, American Apocalypse X archives,

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