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The Divine Feminine: A Deeper Look into Divine Beauty.


Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Two weeks ago we discussed the duality of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine and how they compliment each other in my article, The Masculine and Feminine Energies: The Nature and Importance of This Polarity.  Last week I dove deeper into the qualities of the Divine Masculine and the energies he embodies, available here, The Divine Masculine: A Deeper Look into Healthy Masculinity! So this week, let's jump into the Divine Feminine and see the energies she embodies.

I’m gonna start this article off telling you a little about myself. I was raised by a single mom. She did the best she could with the tools she had available at the time. I love her dearly and wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world, but she was always in a constant state of survival mentality, which doesn’t allow a woman to bloom into her full power. The following is based on what I’ve observed in my adult life that are the energies exuded by those aligned with Divine Femininity in comparison to what I saw growing up. 

The Divine Feminine is the essence of women. She receives energy and amplifies it, and in this manner creates life. She is the deepness of the ocean, the fury of the storm, and mysterious as the moon.

This is a woman that is the human form of Mother Earth, who takes the seed and from it, creates life. She nurtures her children and fills them with love. She shows and teaches them compassion. Her love is deep, and is like a mother bear that will sacrifice her life to keep her children safe.

Just like her love, her other emotions run deep. She feels them fully and immerses herself in them. She can feel love, joy, fear, sadness, anger, and wrath all in the span of a few seconds and can feel like she’s being pulled in many directions at once. While this seems chaotic on the outside, these extreme emotions are the source of her magick and intuition. They power the way the Divine Feminine can conjure things into being. Remember that it’s our emotions that power and fuel our magick. The feminine energy feels deep into the emotional ocean and uses this to her advantage. While the Divine Masculine is the protector in the Physical realm, she is the protector in the Spiritual realm.

The intensity that the Divine Feminine feels her emotions is one of the things that drive her to her nurturing tendencies. She knows those emotional pains and wants to heal them in others as well as herself. She feels pulled to help and heal those in need, because she is, in fact, the healer. The woman who is in her feminine seeks peace for those around her.

The man provides the structure in which they live and, with her love, she turns it into a home. While the masculine fights the daily battles to keep the home and family safe, she in turn creates the peace that allows him to rest for the next battles. In a brutal and harsh world, the Divine Feminine’s carefree, fun, and silly attitude brings relief to the masculine. It reminds him of the good things in the world and the joy there is to experience. She reminds him to take a break and enjoy the life he has built. Her softness is what embraces his rough edges and reminds him of the balance in the world. She is grace itself, and her movements flow like the ocean from which her emotions flow from. The Divine Feminine is his Peace.

She is beautiful like a rose, but when scorned her words and actions cut like the thorns. Her words can cut you down to your soul, or they can help you grow to be an unstoppable force. Her beauty has been the muse for much of the music, stories, art, and even architecture (like the Taj Mahal) throughout the ages.

The Feminine is not physically strong like her masculine counterpart, but she has her ways. Whereas the masculine uses his strength, she uses her cunning and charm as her tools.

Feminine energy is submissive by nature, but not to just any man. When she finds someone who gives her the containment she needs is when she will willingly submit. This woman must find a man that meets these needs so she can feel safe and fully relax into her feminine frame. Otherwise she must lean into more masculine energies herself, which causes more problems for her in the long run.

The Divine Feminine energies are those of magick, joy, and wonder. Women who are aligned with these frequencies cultivate the reality around them and create a world most beautiful. Without these energies the world would be dull, boring, and bleak. The Divine Feminine needs to be celebrated in all its positive aspects, and be allowed to grow so it can bring more beauty into this world. Thank you for reading, and have an enlightening day.

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