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The Energy Flow of Cash Flow


Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Currency is energy. When you go to your job, you’re paid a wage for your work that you do there. But there’s more to how this works. This week in Deeper Thoughts we will discuss the Energy Flow of Cash Flow.

Energy is meant to be in motion. As we’ve stated before in various posts here and on social media, energy is like water. It must be moving or else it becomes stagnant, like a murky pond. In esoteric and magickal terms you can see this linguistically. Cash flow and water flow. We have river banks and banks are where most people store their money. When a financial project runs out of funds, the money “dried” up. These notions are in front of us all in plain sight, as most things are. 

A lot of you reading might recognize this law of money and cash flow. Have you ever noticed when you are penny pinching without spending anything that money seems to be harder to come across? But once you start spending some of that money you notice more starts to come in! This is because you have to let your money flow like water or else it becomes stagnant. You have to let it flow from you so more can flow to you. 

Now on the opposite end of this spectrum are those who constantly spend all their money and never have any. It just leaves them as soon as they get it. I’m not talking about paying your bills. I’m talking about those who are constantly buying concert tickets, the newest Iphone, new Jordans, etc. They spend their money too fast. They never hold on to their money. This is a lack of respect for money after a certain degree. As always there’s balance that needs to be achieved. The best way is spending your money in ways that invest in yourself or in ways that make you more money, while acquiring money. Save money for when you need something to fall back on, but not at the point where your money isn’t going anywhere.

There are other ways money flows to you or stays away from you. The largest is your mindset and relationship with money. If you’ve been raised with a poverty/scarcity mindset this can affect how money comes to you. Thinking money is the root to all evil is a sure fire way to receive money. Would you go to someone’s house when you know they think you’re evil? The same goes for money. When you see money on the ground but don’t pick it up because you think it’s too small of an amount, that’s sending energy out to money that you don’t care about it.

Many people who grew up poor often think they don’t deserve money. This is often a mindset passed down from one generation to the next. Some people try to break out of this cycle but are mentally beaten down by their family and peers when they have dreams of bettering themselves financially. They’re hit by “We’ve never been rich and never will,” “You think you’re smart enough to start your own business?” “Oh you’re too good to work at such-n-such company like the rest of the family always has?” Many people cave into this barrage of doubt from their family and friends. Fixing this mindset is crucial if you want money to flow to you.

We restrict the flow of money to us in the thought patterns we have. When you come into extra money, but always expect something to happen soon after that will eat that money up, that’s more likely to happen more and more consistently. Any type of scarcity mindset, especially in regards to money is going to impede the money flow heading your way.

So what are some simple ways we can change the way money flows to us? There’s a variety of things we can do!

The first thing is to dress the part. I’m not saying you have to go to Macey’s and buy hundreds of dollars worth of clothes. Some nice shirts and pants from Walmart works. Even thrift stores have nice clothes and many times they were barely worn if at all. Just dressing like you have money over time will start to imprint that energy into your subconscious, and as we’ve stated before in various posts on this website and on social media, “All things begin with the mind.”

What else can we do? Keep a gratitude and/or abundance journal and each day write at least three things in them that you can. Some days it might be repetitive, but over time you’ll start noticing yourself writing more and more things each day. Bonus points if you do this when you wake up AND right before bed. Doing so before bed once again imprints it into your subconscious.

Build up a savings that you can feel comfortable with in case of emergencies while avoiding penny pinching. Tip at least 20% when you go out but don’t spend an absorbent amount. Have a budget, but leave room for spending. Let the money flow from you and back to you. Like we stated in the beginning, money needs to flow around.

Clear those emotional blockages you man have. When your own energy is stagnant and blocked it affects the various energies around you. For more information on this read our Deeper Thoughts post titled “Get your Energy Flowing Again! Clearing Emotional Blockages.”

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to generating money, working for money is the worst way to receive money. All the best sources of income are service based. Waiting tables, sales, lawn care, cleaning, etc. This doesn’t mean quit your job and not work by any means, but begin thinking of things you can do to provide a service that others will need. Keep this in mind if you decide to start your own business.

As your income increases, begin researching ways you can invest your money to make it work for you. Stocks and crypto can be one such method that many people use. One of the best things you can do though is start your own business. You can go big with it, or start something small that you do on the side and slowly build it up. With today’s connectivity in the information age, your imagination is your limit. 

Fixing your relationship and beliefs with money is a crucial part of increasing your wealth. Two great books to help with this are “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill and “You Were Born Rich” by Bob Proctor. Hopefully this article will help some of you understand how the energy of money works. Many of the concepts we went over today applies to more than just money. It can be spread to other aspects of your life. Thank you for reading, and once again, I hope you all have an enlightening day.

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