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The Masculine and Feminine Energies: The Nature and Importance of This Polarity.


Updated: Jan 17, 2024

In today’s world there is a massive flip in polarity that is being pushed by society at large that goes against the flow of nature and is ultimately a detriment to the society that is pushing it. This week in Deeper Thoughts, I’m going to be discussing the polarity of the masculine and the feminine.

Throughout history, men have been the protectors. They shielded their loved ones from danger and conquered others to create that safe space for those they cared about. They went out and hunted or worked the farm to provide food for the family. They made sure the home was sturdy (the physical home as well those within the family.) They fix issues, and if they don't know how to fix the issue themselves they are able to resource someone who does. They get it done. They are logical. They are the rock. All these things were just a part of the process of providing healthy containment for the feminine.

The feminine woman is soft. She’s nurturing. The feminine energy takes a house and creates a home. She spins her love into creativity and art. She creates a safe and loving space within the home for the children to grow. Her energy creates a safe space for the masculine to rest from his daily battles in the world. She bathes in her emotions which strengthens her intuition.

The masculine energy is that of air and fire. It’s logic and passion. He controls his thoughts and fiery energy to create warmth or destruction to those who threaten what he has built and sworn to protect. The feminine energy is earth and water. It gives life and helps it to grow. The waters of her emotions can bathe in bliss or crash in a tidal wave of fury and scorn.

The man in his masculine energies leads, while the woman in her feminine who is feeling containment by the masculine, follows. They trust each other. The masculine and feminine energies complement each other. They build each other up and grow together. They understand and meet the needs of the other so that they can both increase and expand their energies. When men and women are in alignment with their energies there is harmony. When they are not, there is chaos. The problem in today’s world is there is a push to flip this polarity.

Men are becoming more feminine while women are becoming more masculine. Men are becoming more emotional and less logical. They react to what they are feeling instead of responding to it calmly with logic. They’re not leading, but rather look for someone else to lead them, and even worse, think for them. They are shamed for their masculine qualities, and have grown up taught that they are evil and scary. Instead of having a drive to build and conquer to create long term achievement, they seek escapism via video games, drugs, meaningless sex, porn, and anything else that brings them short term pleasure. All the while complaining that life is hard. Men no longer assert themselves and are taught to be passive instead of direct.

Women have been pushed to believe that they don’t need men for anything. They are taught masculine energy is evil and unsafe and project mindset outward. Many would rather have a full time career instead of a family. They grow up being hard, instead of soft. They become aggressive. With birth control they share their energy much more freely sexually, and in some cases to the point of creating porn that men seek escapism in. They find weak men, are often disgusted with the weakness they see, and move on to the next. They try to become like men, but are still ruled by their emotions.

When the man isn’t in his masculine energies, the woman will not be in her feminine. This creates resentment in one, if not both sides. It’s not natural and that’s why there’s so much conflict when this arises. This switch in polarity is not an overnight thing. It’s been an ever growing push over decades, starting with all the negative and extreme aspects of feminism and a push for equality and acceptance. Anyone who disagrees with these changes is considered “bad” as the societal push grows stronger. All a part of societal conditioning and programming. Read my articles “Societal Conditioning: How Are You Being Programmed?” and “Predictive Programming: Is Hollywood and the News Programming Us?” for more context on conditioning and programming.

Men and women are vastly different in nature. When in alignment they build each other up in a strong bond that feeds and waters each other so both can bloom, expand, and create. Yes, there are slight levels of feminine energies in men (such as having emotions) and slight levels of masculine energies in women (like when a woman does all she can to protect the children). The levels of each depend on each person’s numerology, astrology, and environment, but that opposite energy being there doesn’t mean the person is supposed to lean in heavily on them.

This article may upset many people, and if that’s the case, so be it. I’m writing it from my perspective. And that is the perspective of someone who was raised by a single mom and my grandmother, both of whom in the attempts to make sure I grew up to be a “good” person, did much to suppress many vital aspects of masculinity. Taking risks was looked down upon. Aggression was shunned and punished. Humility was encouraged. I was emotional and sought escapism through alcohol and other coping strategies. I was manipulating on a subconscious level instead of being direct with my wants and needs. I was a people pleaser and never assertive. I was a "nice guy." I was out of alignment with my own energies.

Through the lens of my journey, connecting to my masculine energies has promoted much growth within myself. Life for me has improved and continues to do so. I’m much more assertive of my boundaries. I'm direct with my wants and needs. My confidence continues to increase. I’m taking control of my life and building it into what I want it to be.

Men are meant to be masculine, and women are meant to be feminine. This is a polarity of the universe and trying to flip these poles creates chaos in the world. I thank you for reading and hope that this article increases your understanding of the polarity of the masculine and feminine or opened you to it's reality. Take care and have an enlightening day.

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