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Void Moon


We keep hearing talks about the moon, its effects on people, and on magick. There are various ways the moon can affect your manifestations, depending on its phase, location, and if it’s void. What does it mean when the moon is void? Keep reading this week’s Deeper Thoughts where we discuss the moon, how you can use it, and what you should do when it’s void.

Let’s first talk about the moon itself. It’s the closest celestial body closest to Earth so it makes sense that it has an impact. When we look into the energies it portrays we see it’s feminine energy. As such we see it dealing with the subconscious mind and the emotions. Even professionals like police, doctors, and nurses who don’t believe in astrology or the occult tend to agree that they see more emotional and chaotic events unfold. The moon represents mystery and illusion. It is often associated with psychic abilities.

For the rest of this article I’ll be discussing the moon from a western ceremonial ritual magick standpoint because that’s what I’m more familiar with. It should be noted though that many other traditions follow many of these same guidelines so these are good general rule of thumb.

The time you use the moon has a big impact on the results you get. For starters, if you’re trying to use these specific energies to some sort of capacity, it’s best to do so on Mondays or if it’s a secondary energy, do it in the hour of the moon. And for better results moon magick works best at night. (Shocker! I know.)

Another important factor for timing is to consider what you’re trying to achieve. Are you trying to push or pull something to you? Do you want to attract more money to you? Are you trying to make an annoying coworker leave for a different job? The phase of the moon will determine when to cast that spell. If you want to attract something to you, it’s best to wait until the moon is waxing and getting bigger. If you want to push something away or get rid of something then you need to time it for when the moon is waning and getting smaller. The closer it is to being full/new (depending on what you’re wanting) the better.

The next thing to look for is which constellation the moon is in. If it’s in Taurus it’s a good time to cast for money. If you want to cast for vengeance then you’d ideally want to wait until it’s in Scorpio. If you’re looking to discover secrets then you’d want to wait until the moon has passed into Sagittarius.

Now it should be noted that there are times when things come up and timing isn’t optimal. The moon might not be waxing in Taurus on a Thursday. Sometimes you can’t wait and have to take action immediately. That’s ok. Don’t stress about it because that will be your biggest hindrance. There are things you can do. For instance, if you’re wanting to do a money spell, but the moon is waning, you can do a spell to get rid of poverty instead. Many spells can be reworked in a manner like this to optimize your goals. Even if you can’t think of a way to do this you can still perform your ritual if you must and revisit with a follow up spell if need be.

However, there’s one instance where you want to refrain from casting. It’s arguably best to avoid doing magick during a void moon, also known as when the moon is void of course. So what does this mean? What does this imply?

The moon is void of course when it is transitioning from one astrological sign to another. It’s the time period when it isn’t in any sign. One way to look at it is the moon wandering around lost without any energy to back it up. It will be like this until it enters a new sign. The length of time for this varies. The moon can be void of course for just a few hours to a few days.

So what can happen with a void moon? There are several possibilities. At best, you’ll get meager results if you’re lucky. Many times nothing will happen. Worst case scenario the spell can backfire and create results you didn’t want to happen at all. When the moon is void of course you can expect it to void the results you want to achieve.

This is a chaotic time when the moon isn’t sitting in a sign and as a result can potentially lead to chaotic results. This is the only astrological timing I highly recommend against casting in. I personally won’t even draft a statement of intent or prepare for a ritual during this time, let alone actually do any spell casting.

Timing can have a massive impact on your rituals, and paying attention to the position and phase of the moon can help you stack the deck in your favor and get you better results. Today there are plenty of resources where you can look up to what the moon is up to and more importantly when it's a void moon. I know time is of the essence on many occasions, but do your best to make sure the moon is at least not void when you’re doing any casting.

This one aspect of the moon can sometimes be overlooked by magicians and witches, so make sure you’re not one of them! I hope those reading learned something new, or received a good reminder of when to make sure to not cast. The biggest rule of thumb is no casting during a void moon! Thank you for reading and I hope you all have an enlightening day.

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