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What is Power to You?


We all know someone who thirsts for power. They’ll even tell you this upfront. But what kind of power do they want? What is power?

There are different types of power. The type or types you choose to go after will vary depending on your values. Sometimes you step into power intentionally, while other times it is pulled to you via being aligned to it. Sometimes we build it up and maintain it for all our days, and others of us enjoy it for a time before we let it slip through our fingers. Sometimes power is vast and shining for all to see, and others it’s quiet and sets within, but is still no less strong. Many times different types of power are interconnected and you need one to achieve another. This week in Deeper Thoughts let’s talk about various types of power, and what they entail, and what you need for them.

MENTAL POWER has people coming to you for advice and for knowledge that’s harder to gain, such as legal, occult, investing, spiritual etc. It requires you to change your habits so you can take in and retain vast knowledge to you’re the one people go to. “Knowledge is Power,” as the saying goes. You know the answers or if you don’t, you have the resources and the intellect to find them swiftly before others, and utilize them just as fast. You use your knowledge to further advance your position, be it in academics all the way to successfully leading nations. Knowledge is often a power that is most connected to many other types, so that’s why we discuss it first. 

If it’s PHYSICAL POWER you want then you have to make changes to your lifestyle to get in shape, build muscle, and gain fighting prowess. Physical power is obvious. You see the big guy with muscles. You can tell he’s strong. But if he wants to enhance that physical power, he does more than train with weights. He trains his fighting skills. While this aspect of physical power is not as obvious, you can see it in his confidence. He’s not afraid to back down from a fight because he knows he can handle anyone that comes after him. He’s studied how to increase his physical strength and fighting prowess together to be an unstoppable force.

If it’s FINANCIAL POWER you seek, then you have to make changes to how you view money. Understand it beyond the transactional level and know how it works energetically. Change how you do things so you continue to add sources of income, job, side hustles, investments, etc. Study markets, trends, consumer psychology, your own spending habits. How can you invest what you have to its maximum potential successfully? Study how the great financial barons made their wealth and how you can take those tactics and use them for yourself. This power buys you more options and freedom, releasing you from many burdens and restrictions many people face.

GENERATIONAL POWER feeds off the previous type and continues down the bloodline. These investments keep growing and over the generations your descendants keep adding to increase the family’s power. It’s key to pass on your knowledge so they can utilize what you’ve learned and expand upon it each generation. This way as the family tree expands, so too can the wealth. As the wealth of options and investments grows, so too does the networking, as money is spread in different sectors.

INFLUENTIAL POWER has people eating out of the palm of your hand. The masses follow you and hang onto your every word. You say jump and they ask “how high?” as they start jumping. Your charisma and confidence has them trusting you and taking everything you say to heart. You suggest to people what they need to do and they do it, from the average joe, to billionaires and world leaders. Your words have weight and people are swayed by them and drawn to you.

ENERGETIC POWER is your own personal energy. This is power where your mere presence is announced by your aura. You energetically take up space. You don’t have to be that guy or girl that’s intentionally loud to get everyone focused on them. You change your patterns and do inner work on yourself to heal and expand your own aura so people know you’re in the room when you arrive. Your aura speaks for itself. People see you and instantly know you’re brimming with wisdom, can lighten any mood, bring about peace, be a protective force or cause destruction with your mere will.

What type or types of power you seek will mean you have to make changes to step into it or make changes to continue to expand it. What type of power do you want and how do you plan on acquiring it? This list is small and can always be expanded upon because power is subjective. What type of power do you want? What would you add to the list? Let me and the other readers know in the comments.

Thank you for reading, and once again, have an enlightening day!

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